Courses Taught:

PHIL1252: Practical Logic

Introduction to Aristotelian logic and other informal methods in logic

Topics include definition, fallacies, the categorical proposition and syllogism, stoic logic, induction

Aristotle with a Bust of Homer by Rembrandt, oil on Canvas 56 1/2 x 53 3/4 in © 1653 Metropolitan Museum of Art

PHIL2264: Logic

Propositional, predicate, and categorical logic

Topics include predicate and propositional symbolization, natural deduction, truth table and tree methods

Bertrand Russell at desk circo 1960, photograph © Bertrand Russell Archives and Research Centre, McMaster University 

PHIL1070: Philosophy of the Person I

Core introduction to the history of philosophy course focusing on Ancient and Medieval perspectives on personhood, politics, happiness, and ethics. 

Authors include Plato, Aristotle, Boethius, Christine de Pizan, Aquinas, Dostoevsky, Ursula Le Guin

Christine de Pizan by Olga Esther, oil on panel 45 x 52 cm © 2023

PHIL1071: Philosophy of the Person II

Core introduction to the history of philosophy course focusing on Modern and Contemporary perspectives on subjectivity, existentialism, feminist philosophy, and ethics. 

Authors include Descartes, Kant, Mill, Wollstonecraft, Marx, Du Bois, De Beauvoir, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Camus, Freud, Ruti, Næss, Badiou

Sketch of Sigmund Freud by Salvador Dali, 34.5 x 28 cm © 1938 Freud Museum London
