For dates and more detail, see my C.V.


AOS: Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Feminist Philosophy, 20th Century Continental Philosophy
AOC: Symbolic Logic, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion


Guest Academic Affiliate                                                      
The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

PRESENTATIONS (* = invited)


“Revisiting Sexuality and Psychoanalysis: Lacan and André Green Today” (forthcoming)

*“What is the Child?” Panel with Claire Katz    
TBD (forthcoming)

*BPSI Clinical Night (presented to child psychoanalysis faculty and candidates)  
The Philosophy of Infancy and Childhood in Dialogue with Psychoanalysis 

Sixth Annual Northeast Philosophy of Religion Colloquium
La Double Vie de Véronique and the Event”

Psychology & the Other Conference                         
“On Adolescent Women and Their Bodies in Cases of Anorexia Nervosa”    

SBU and BC Joint Conference on Phenomenology and Value
“The Body and Value”

PhilosopHERS Workshop Series
“Melanie Klein”

*The Boston Phenomenological Circle Symposium
Invited respondent to Lauren Guilmette’s “Something in the Atmosphere: Theorizing Transpersonal Structures of Feeling”

*ACU and BC Joint Conference on New Research in Philosophy and Theology
“Reading Women Mystics: Situating Sex in Christian Thought”

*The Boston Phenomenological Circle Symposium
Invited respondent to Crina Gschwandter’s “Distinguishing the Wesen of Being: Phenomenological Method in Hedwig Conrad-Martius”

PhilosopHERS Workshop Series
“Christine de Pizan: Teaching Early Feminist Texts”

Institute for Christian Studies Undergraduate Workshop
“Expression and the Interpretive Horizons: The Phenomenological Encounter with the Other”


Second Annual SBU and BC Joint Phenomenology and Value Conference 
Theme: Pedagogy and Child Development
Founder, Co-Director, Organizer

PhilosopHERS Workshop
Presentations include The Great Women in Early Modern PhilosophyMarguerite Porete Mary Shelly, Iris MurdochDora Marsden and Emma GoldmanTeresa of ÁlviaÉmilie du Châtelet 
Director and Organizer                                                  

First Annual SBU and BC Joint Phenomenology and Value Conference
Founder, Co-Director, Organizer

BC Philosophy Graduate Student Conference 
Embodiment from Then to Now: Perspectives on Sex and Gender
Co-Director, Organizer

French, intermediate reading/writing/speaking
German, research proficiency
